Dear Friends,
Like you, the Habonim Dror Foundation and the entire Habonim Dror family has been devastated since October 7 as we live through these unprecedented times. We grieve for the loss of life and pray for the safe return of hostages. And we know that many of you are supporting good causes that are seeking to ameliorate the trauma of these past weeks.
We also feel in our bones that October 7 has been a turning point for the American Jewish community. We may not yet understand the parameters of that changed landscape, but there is one thing we do know for sure. And that is that the Jewish youth will need places to go, now more than ever, where it is normal to be both a progressive as well as a Zionist, places where they can develop a deep love of Israel together with an honest understanding of its challenges.
Habonim Dror is such a place. Through our machanot (camps) and our national and Israel programs, the next generation of Jews will be educated for leadership in confronting the challenges facing Jewish students on our college campuses and in the wider community. A safe space that is committed both to Jewish peoplehood and to social justice for all.
In these troubled times, your contribution to the Habonim Dror Foundation [click here] is perhaps more important than it ever was. I hope you will help us guarantee the future for progressive Zionism in our communities.

Habonim Dror Israel programs foster future Jewish leaders.
And one more request: Please forward this e-mail to at least one friend from Habonim Dror who may not be on our mailing list but who you think might also want to support our mission.
Thanking you in advance,
Rabbi Tom Gutherz
Chairperson, Habonim Dror Foundation